在线浏览, 第2页, 日立 Hitachi BW-S70G 使用说明书



2 Air-jet drying 空氣噴射乾燥 By inhaling clean air, instead of using any heater, the laundry is dehydrated with the wind dehydra- tion and high speed spinning function, providing drying effect. 不使用加熱器,通過吸入清洁的空气,用強風和高速脫水功能甩掉衣物中的水分,達到乾燥的目的。 May be used to air-dry the heat-irresistible swimsuit or the underwear containing the heat-insulation materials. 可風乾不耐熱的泳衣或含隔熱材料的內衣。 Keep room free of mugginess for causing no temperature rise. 由於溫度不上升,房間不會悶熱。 Control the black mildew in washing spinning basket. 抑制洗衣·脫水筒中的黑色黴菌。 The drying capacity: The blending chemical fiber is below 3.0kg, chemical fiber is below 4.0kg (Provide the same drying effect as the airing in the room) 乾燥量:化纖混紡衣物為 3.0kg 以下,化纖為 4.0kg 以下。 ( 可以達到和室內晾乾同等的風乾效果) The duration is irrelevant to the dryness level for applying the timer mode of drying. 採用定時器式乾燥方式,結束時間與乾燥程度無關。 Go on with the air-jet process in case of insufficient drying. 風乾程序不足時,請再運行一次風乾。 Please read "USER MANUAL" carefully for proper operation. 請仔細閱讀「使用說明書」,以便您能正確使用。 Equivalent to 3 times power of dust collector. 相當於吸塵器的 3 倍的風力 Preface 前言 The number next to the sign is the page number for detailed description. 後面的數字表示具體說明的頁數。 Stirring agitator 新式攪拌翼 Powerful washing effect without damage to laundry 洗滌力強而不傷衣物 Stirring the laundry up and down can achieve the same effect as pressing, flapping, rubbing by hands. This will control the dam- age to laundry under the minimum level, gently and quickly removing the dirt. 在讓衣物上下移動的過程中,可獲 得手洗的壓、拍、搓的效果,將對 衣物的損傷控制在最低程度,可輕 柔、迅速地去除污漬。 Blades at the rear of stirring agitator 背面葉片 攪拌翼 pressing 壓洗 Pushing action from bottom to top 從下向上推壓的動作 flapping 拍洗 Dropping action from top to bottom 從上向下摔落的動作 rubbing 搓洗 Action forcing laundry to move up and down 讓衣物上下移動的動作 Water-saving circulating water flow 節水型循環水流 With little water in high efficiency 高效使用少量的水 The circulating water flow will come into being when stirring the water with the blades at the rear of stirring agitator and combining sprinklers in three directions. Only small quantity of water will be sufficient to remove the dirt efficiently. 用攪拌翼的背面葉片攪動水流,通過上下 3 個方向的 噴頭形成循環水,只需少量用水即可高效去污。 1 1 2 2 3 3 Upper circle sprinkler 上部循環噴頭 Lower circle sprinkler 下部循環噴頭 side view 〔側視圖〕 Blades at rear 背面葉片 top view 〔俯視圖〕

