在线浏览, 第4页, 标准 Typical TYK 使用说明书



02 注意: 本机之行走距离及其位置由机器自我记忆, 断电中严禁外力推动机器使其移位,以确保 接续使用之准确性与安全性。 操作人员一旦离开机器再回来操作之前,请务必确认机器尚在原先停止位置未被移 动, 才可开始工作。 如发现机器已被移动,要重新做一次 “位置归 0”再继续工作(参照第 17 页)。 Notice: The machine travel length and positioning are controlled by computer. It is strictly not allowed to move machine manually when machine is power off. When operator resumes back to work on machine, please make sure the spreader is not moved manually by anyone during the power off. If the machine is manually moved during power off mode, please do calibrate the machine position into origin as instruction manual (page 35).

