在线浏览, 第1页, TCL ML20 使用说明书



使用说明书 尊敬的客户,因本机功能较多,为了充分有效地应用各项功能, 使用前,请您详细阅读本机使用说明书。 This unit is with multi functions, so for best performance please read the instructions carefully before your operation. ML20 TCL CORPORATION 地址:广东省惠州市仲恺高新技术开发区十九号小区 No.19 District, Zhongkai High-tech Develop- ment Zone, Huizhou City, Guangdong Province 电话(TEL):4008-123456 传真(FAX):0752-2636307 邮编(ZIP CODE):516006 产品执行标准号:Q/WP1002-2007 Product Implementation Standard No.:Q/WP1002-2007 产品标准备案号:QB/441300331275-2007 Product Standardization File No.:QB/441300331275-2007 尊敬的客户:如在使用中遇到问题,请拨打TCL全国 统一用户服务热线4008-123456咨询 If you encounter any problem with your monitor, please call TCL nationwide customer service hotline 4008-123456 for assistance. 72-ML2000-001 COLOURED VIDEO MONITOR OPERAT ION MANUAL 彩色视频监视器 Please, dispose of this equipment at your local community waste collection/recycling centre. In the European Union there are separate collection systems for used electrical and electronic product. Please, help us to conserve the environment we live in! This product is designed and manufactured with high quality materials and components which can be recycled and reused. This symbol means that electrical and electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from your household waste.

