在线浏览, 第1页, 索尼 Sony WM-GX780 Walkman 随身听 使用说明书



Radio Cassette-Corder ©2003 Sony Corporation Printed in Malaysia WARNING To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not expose the unit to rain or moisture. Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a bookcase or built-in cabinet. 警告 为防火灾或触电危险,切勿让机器暴露于雨中或潮湿处。 别把机器安装在例如书橱或壁柜等密不通风的地方。 Operating instructions/ 使用说明书 WM-GX780 3-255-272-21(1) Printed using VOC (Volatile Organic Compound)-free vegetable oil based ink. “WALKMAN” is a registered trademark of Sony Corporation to represent Headphone Stereo products. is a trademark of Sony Corporation. The validity of the CE marking is restricted to only those countries where it is legally enforced, mainly in the countries EEA (European Economic Area). CE 标志的有效性,仅限于那些有法律限制的国家,主要在 EEA(欧洲经济 区)国家。 A CHG B C D DC IN 1.5 V E FWD (forward) side FWD(正)面 REV (reverse) side REV(反)面 F x VOL* VOL HOLD HOLD Y •REPEAT** REW/REVIEW Y x REW MIC** ISS x REC Plug in firmly. 接插稳固。 i FF MENU SET FF/CUE MENU SET Tab for side A A 面的防误抹小翼 G Side A A 面 AC-E15HG (not supplied) AC-E15HG(无附带) * There is a tactile dot beside VOL on the main unit to show the direction to turn up the volume. ** The button or jack has a tactile dot. * 在主机上 VOL 旁边有一个触感圆点,表示转大音量的方向。 ** 按钮或插孔有触感圆点。 播放录音带 E 1 装入盒带,如果遥控器的 HOLD 功能仍打开着,即 请沿相反于箭头方向滑动 HOLD 开关以释放控制 钮。 2 反复按 MENU 以便在显示 屏中将“__”(光标)设到 REC/PB。然后按 SET 选 择“ ”或无(正常速 度),这位置应和录音时使 用的位置一样。 要播放市售音乐带等,选择 正常(无显示)。 3 按主机上的 Y•REPEAT 并用 VOL 调节音量。(在 遥控器上,则请按 Y(放 音)•x(停止)。) 在遥控器上调节音量时 请把主机上的 VOL 控制钮设定于 6 左右。 在主机上调节音量时 请把遥控器上的 VOL 控制钮设定于 最大。 在遥控器上的操作 换播放另一面 停止播放 在主机上的操作 换播放另一面 停止播放 其他磁带操作 快进绕* 重绕* 播放期间向前搜 索 (CUE) 播放期间向后搜 索 (REVIEW) 中文 用“ ”设置录音的磁带如没 有本功能,将不能在盒带播放机 /磁带录音机上正常播放。 • 为防止火灾,请勿让报纸、桌 布、窗帘等盖住装置的通风孔。 也不可把点燃的蜡烛放在装置 上。 • 为防止火灾或触电的危险,请勿 将装满液体的物体,例如花瓶等 放在装置上。 • 一部分国家对本产品的电源用电 池的处置,可能有所规定。此请 询问当地有关当局。 准备工作 准备干电池(无附带)或充电 式电池(附带)。 干电池 A 安装附带的电池盒,然后按正 确极性装入一节 R6 (AA) 电池。 为获得最佳效果,建议您使用 Sony 牌碱性电池。 充电式电池 B 充电式电池在第一次使用前, 必须加以充电。 1 以正确极性将附带的充电式电池 NH-10WM 装入充电式电池室。 2 将附带的 AC 电源转接器连接到 充电座,将 AC 电源转接器接插 到家庭用电源插座(主电源)。 3 把主机放在充电座上。 CHG 灯将点亮。 完全充电需时大约 6 小时。 当电池完全充满电时,CHG 灯将 熄灭。 充电中,请别使用机器,要使用机器 时,须把机器从充电座上卸下来。 – 充电中,您如果操作机器,电池便 不能进行充电了。 – 充电中,您如果操作机器,便可能 引起故障。 – 别把没有安装充电式电池的机器装 放在充电座上。否则便可引起故 障。 何时更换电池/给电池充电 C ”在显示窗中闪烁时,即 请更换电池或给电池充电。 电池寿命*(大约时数) Sony 碱电池 LR6 (SG)** 录音带放音 44 听收音机 56 MIC 录音 15 收音机录音 12 充电式电池 NH-10WM 录音带放音 20 听收音机 25 MIC 录音 7 收音机录音 5 同时使用 Sony 碱电池 LR6 (SG)** 和充电式电池 NH-10WM 录音带放音 64 听收音机 81 MIC 录音 22 收音机录音 17 * 按 JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association) 标准测 定的值。(使用 Sony HF 系列磁 带) **使用 LR6 (SG) 型 Sony “STAMINA”碱电池(日本制) 时。 • 电池寿命可能因操作条件、环境温 度和电池类型而缩短些。 • 当更换电池时,AVLS 设定(参 见“使用项目单”)将被取消。 家用电源 D 要使用家用电源为本机供电, 您必须购买 AC-E15HG AC 电源 转换器。 如果装有充电式电池,请将其 取出。装上电池盒,将 AC- E15HG AC 电源转换器(无附 带)连接到电池盒的 DC IN 1.5 V 插孔和墙上插座。 请勿使用任何其他的 AC 电源 转换器。 AC-E15HG 的规格根据地区 而异,在购买之前请核查您所在地 区的电压和插头的电极。 从头播放下一曲 /接下 9 首曲子 (AMS**) 从头播放现在放 音中曲子/前面 8 首曲子 (AMS**) 从头播放另外一 面(跳越倒绕功 能) 从头播放同一面 (重绕自动播放 功能) * 在快进绕或重绕过程中按遥控器上 的 Y•x。 **自动乐曲探测 A-B 反复 A-B 反复功能反复播放您所指 定的录音带的任一部分。请在放音 中标记该部分的始点(A 点)和终 点(B 点)。 在主机上 1 在放音中按 Y• REPEAT 键 2 秒钟以上标记 A 点。 “A-”将闪烁于主机的显示窗 中。 2 再按一下 Y• REPEAT 键标 记 B 点。 “A-B”将闪烁,录音带被快速卷 绕到 A 点。随后“REP”出现 于显示窗中,反复播放所指定的 部分。 在遥控器上 1 在放音中快速按两下 Y•x 标 记 A 点。 2 再按一下 Y•x 标记 B 点。 录音带被卷绕到 A 点。 随后反复播放所指定的部分。 要停止 A-B 反复放音时 请按主机上的 Y• REPEAT, 或按遥控器上的 Y•x 。 要恢复 A-B 反复放音 当您想要改变指定的部分时, 请停止 A-B 反复放音并重新标记 A 点和 B 点。 • 您不能指定跨越录音带两面的重复 部分。 • 您不能指定短于 2 秒钟的重复部 分。 • 在反复操作之后,由于录音带的松 弛,实际播放的部分可能和所标记 指定的部分稍有不同。 • 在反复 50 次后,A-B 反复放音自 动停止。 • 请勿用长度 90 分钟以上的磁带去使 用 A-B 反复功能。否则,该磁带可 能会损坏。 录音 F 您可以从内置的收音机录制广 播节目,也可以用附带的麦克风进 行录音。不管是哪种情况,都请使 用新的或充足了电的电池。 如果防误抹小翼已被折断,则无法在 该面录音。 1 插入一盒普通 (TYPE I) 录 音带。 要在两面录音时 将要先录音的面作为 FWD (正)面* 插入录音带。 * 确认是否显示“FWD”。如果 没有,请按住 x 直到“REV” 变为“FWD”。 只要录一面时 将要录音的面作为 REV (反)面** 插入录音带。 **确认是否显示“REV”。如果 没有,请按住 x 直到“FWD” 变为“REV”。 录音带座打开着时,走带方向将 被自动地设定为“FWD”。 2 反复按 MENU 在显示屏中 将光标设到 REC/PB。然后 按 SET 选择“ ”或无 (正常速度)。 正常(无显示)(4.8cm/ s):使音质最佳。建议用于 正常录音。 2 × (2.4cm/s):使录音时间 增加一倍(例如,使用 60 分钟磁带的两边录 120 分 钟)。适合于进行会议录音 或对口述进行录音。不建议 用于录制音乐。 3 选择录音源: 要用麦克风录音时 将附带的麦克风连接到 MIC (PLUG IN POWER) 插孔。 如图所示,您可以将麦克风 夹在您的衣服上。 F 要从收音机录音时 请调入您想录音的电台(参 见“听收音机”)。 4 滑动 REC。 ”即出现于显示窗 中,约 2 秒钟之后,开始录 音。 如果您是从 FWD 面开始录 音的,在录完 FWD 面时, 录音将自动转换到反面。 要停止录音时 请按 x(或按遥控器上 Y •x)以停止录音。 要减小录制 AM 节目时的噪声 请将 ISS(干扰抑制开关)设 定于能将噪声减至最小的位置。 要监听录音中的声音 您可以用头戴式耳机/耳机来 监听正在录制的声音。可用 VOL 控制旋钮调节监听的音量。 在 RV、MB 或 GRV 方式下(参见 “使用项目单”),您可能会在监听 的声音中听到一些噪音,但这并不 影响录音。 录音须知 • 录音电平被固定。 • 声音增强功能(RV、MB 或 GRV)和 AVLS 设定不影响录 音。 • 实际的录音将在您滑动 REC 按钮 约 2 秒钟(当录音时间设为 ”时为 3 秒钟)之后开始。 请在您要开始录音时刻的约 2 秒钟 (当录音时间设为“ ”时为 3 秒钟)之前滑动 REC 按钮,否则 您将错过录音的开始部分。 • 在两面录音时,在录音带换面过程 中,录音将有约 10 秒钟不进行。 • 请勿用高位 (TYPE II) 或金属 (TYPE IV) 型的录音带录音。否则 播放录音带时声音可能会失真,以 前的录音内容也可能不会被完全抹 消。 • 从收音机录音时,请勿将头戴式耳 机/耳机接到/拔出 i 插孔。否 则录音条件可能会突然改变,也可 能录下噪音。 • 用麦克风录音时,请勿将麦克风靠 近电灯线或日光灯,以避免噪音干 扰。 • 如果发生啸叫,请调低音量。 • 在录音时所有其他操作都无法进 行。要进行其他操作,请先停止录 音。 要防止录音带被误录时 G 请折断 A 面和/或 B 面的防 误抹小翼。要重新用该录音带录 音,用胶带盖住折断防误抹小翼 的缺口。 (接反面) 请按 播放中按 Y •REPEAT 按 x(停止) 请按 播放中按 Y•x 2 秒以上 播放中按一次 Y •x 请按 停止中,请按 FF/CUE(在遥 控器上按 FF) 停止中,请按 REW/REVIEW (在遥控器上按 REW) 按住 FF/CUE (在遥控器上按 FF),在所要的 点上释放。 按住 REW/ REVIEW(在遥 控器上按 REW),在所要 的点上释放。 请按 播放中按一次/ 反复按 FF/CUE (在遥控器上按 FF) 播放中按一次/ 反复按 REW/ REVIEW(在遥 控器上按 REW) 停止中按 FF/ CUE(在遥控器 上按 FF)2 秒以 停止中按 REW/ REVIEW(在遥 控器上按 REW)2 秒以上 索尼公司 随身听 Playing a Tape E 1 Insert a cassette and if the HOLD function is on, slide the HOLD switch in the opposite direction of the arrow to unlock the controls. 2 Press MENU repeatedly to set “__” (the cursor) in the display to REC/PB. Then press SET to select “ or none (normal speed) which is the same position as that used for recording. To playback commercially available music tape, etc., select normal (no indication). 3 Press Y•REPEAT on the main unit and adjust the volume with VOL. (On the remote control, press Y (play)•x(stop).) When adjusting the volume on the remote control Set the VOL control on the main unit to around 6. When adjusting the volume on the main unit Set the VOL control on the remote control at maximum. Operation on the remote control To Press Switch Y •x for 2 playback to seconds or more the other side during playback Stop playback Y•x once during playback Operation on the main unit To Press Switch Y •REPEAT playback to during playback the other side Stop playback x (stop) Other tape operations To Press Fast forward* FF/CUE (FF on the remote control) during stop Rewind* REW/REVIEW (REW on the remote contorl) during stop Search forward Press and hold during FF/CUE (FF playback on the remote (CUE) control) and release it at the point you want. Search Press and hold backward REW/REVIEW during (REW on the playback remote control) (REVIEW) and release it at the point you want. English Note Tapes recorded with setting to ” cannot be played properly on a cassette player/ tape recorder without this function. • To prevent fire, do not cover the ventilation of the apparatus with newspapers, table-cloths, curtains, etc. And don’t place lighted candles on the apparatus. • To prevent fire or shock hazard, do not place objects filled with liquids, such as vases, on the apparatus. • Certain countries may regulate disposal of the battery used to power this product. Please consult with your local authority. Preparations Prepare a dry battery (not supplied) or the rechargeable battery (supplied). Dry Battery A Attach the supplied battery case, and then insert one R6 (size AA) battery with correct polarity. Note For maximum performance we recommend that you use a Sony alkaline battery. Rechargeable Battery B Charge the rechargeable battery before using it for the first time. 1 Insert the supplied rechargeable battery NH- 10WM into the rechargeable battery compartment with correct polarity. 2 Connect the supplied AC power adaptor to the charging stand, plug in the AC power adaptor to the house current (mains). 3 Place the main unit on the charging stand. The CHG lamp will light up. Full charging takes about 6 hours. The CHG lamp will go off when the battery is fully charged. Note Do not use the unit while charging. Remove the unit from the charging stand when using it. – If you operate the unit while charging, the battery will not be charged. – If you operate the unit while charging, it may cause malfunction. – Do not place the unit on the charging stand without the rechargeable battery. Otherwise, it may cause malfunction. When to replace/ charge the battery C Replace or charge the battery when “ ” flashes in the display. Battery life* (Approx. hours) Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)** Tape playback 44 Radio reception 56 MIC recording 15 Radio recording 12 Rechargeable battery NH-10WM Tape playback 20 Radio reception 25 MIC recording 7 Radio recording 5 Sony alkaline LR6 (SG)** and Rechargeable NH-10WM Tape playback 64 Radio reception 81 MIC recording 22 Radio recording 17 * Measured value by the standard of JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association). (Using a Sony HF series cassette tape) ** When using a Sony LR6(SG) “STAMINA” alkaline dry battery (produced in Japan). Notes • The battery life may be shorter depending on the operating condition, the surrounding temperature and battery type. • The AVLS setting (see “Using the Menu”) will be cancelled when you replace the battery. House Current D You must purchase an AC power adaptor AC-E15HG to operate this unit using house current. Remove the rechargeable battery if inserted. Attach the battery case and connect the AC power adaptor AC-E15HG (not supplied) to the DC IN 1.5 V jack of the battery case and to the wall outlet. Do not use any other AC power adaptor. Specifications for AC-E15HG vary for each area. Check your local voltage and the polarity of the plug before purchasing. To Press Play the next FF/CUE (FF track/ on the remote succeeding 9 control) once/ tracks from the repeatedly beginning during playback (AMS**) Play the current REW/REVIEW track/previous (REW on the 8 tracks from remote control) the beginning once/repeatedly (AMS**) during playback Play the other FF/CUE (FF side from the on the remote beginning control) for 2 (Skip Reverse seconds or more function) during stop Play the same REW/REVIEW side from the (REW on the beginning remote contorl) (Rewind Auto for 2 seconds or Play function) more during stop * Press Y•x on the remote control during fast forward or rewind to start playback. **Automatic Music Sensor A-B Repeat A-B Repeat plays back repeatedly any portion of the tape you specified. Specify by tagging the beginning (point A) and the end (point B) of the portion during playback. On the main unit 1 Press Y•REPEAT for 2 seconds or more during playback to tag point A. “A-” will flash in the display of the main unit. 2 Press Y•REPEAT again to tag point B. “A-B” will flash and the tape will move rapidly to point A. Then “REP” appears in the display and the specified portion is played repeatedly. On the remote control 1 Press Y•x twice quickly during playback to tag point A. 2 Press Y•x once more to tag point B. The tape will be rewound to point A. Then the specified portion is played repeatedly. To stop the A-B Repeat playback Press Y•REPEAT on the main unit. On the remote control, press Y •x. To reset A-B Repeat When you want to change a specific portion, stop the A-B Repeat playback and tag point A and point B again. Notes • You cannot specify a repeat portion that includes both sides of the tape. • You cannot specify a repeat portion shorter than 2 seconds. • After repeated operation, the actual portion that is played back may shift somewhat from the exact portion specified with the tags due to tape slack. • A-B Repeat stops automatically after repeating 50 times. • Do not use the A-B Repeat function with tapes longer than 90 minutes. If you do, the tape may be damaged. Recording F You can record radio programs from the built-in radio, or record with the supplied microphone. In either case, use a new or fully charged battery. Note If the record-protect tab is broken, you cannot record on that side. 1 Insert a normal (TYPE I) tape. To record on both sides Insert the cassette with the side to be first recorded on as the FWD (forward) side*. * Make sure that “FWD” is displayed. If not, press and hold x until “REV” changes to “FWD”. To record on one side only Insert the cassette with the side to be recorded on as the REV (reverse) side**. **Make sure that “REV” is displayed. If not, press and hold x until “FWD” changes to “REV”. Note When the cassette holder is opened, the direction of the tape will be automatically set to “FWD”. 2 Press MENU repeatedly to set the cursor in the display to REC/PB. Then press SET to select “ or none (normal speed). Normal (no indication) (4.8cm/s): for optimum sound. Recommended for normal recordings. 2 × (2.4cm/s): for double recording time (for example, 120 minutes using both sides of a 60- minute cassette). Suitable for recording conferences, dictations, etc. Not recommended for recording music. 3 Select a recording source: To record with the microphone Connect the supplied microphone to the MIC (PLUG IN POWER) jack. You can attach the microphone to your clothes as illustrated. F To record from the radio Tune in to the station you want to record (see “Listening to the Radio”). 4 Slide REC. ” appears in the display and recording starts after about 2 seconds. If you have started recording from the FWD side, recording will switch to reverse side automatically at the end of the FWD side. To stop recording Press x (on the remote control, press Y•x to stop recording). To reduce noise while recording AM programs Set the ISS (Interference Suppress Switch) to the position that reduces noise the most. To monitor the recording sound You can monitor the recording sound through headphones/ earphones. Adjust monitoring level using VOL. Note You may hear some noise in the monitor sound in the RV, MB, or GRV mode (see “Using the Menu”), but this does not affect recording. Notes on recording • The recording level is fixed. • Sound emphasis (RV, MB, or GRV) and AVLS settings do not affect recording. • Actual recording will start about 2 seconds (3 seconds when “ is selected for recording time) after you slide the REC button. Slide the REC button about 2 seconds (3 seconds when “ is selected for recording time) before the moment you want to start recording, or you will miss the beginning of your recording. • When recording on both sides, recording will not be made for about 10 seconds while the tape is switching sides. • Do not use a high-position (TYPE II) or metal (TYPE IV) tape. If you do, the sound may be distorted when you play back the tape, or the previous recording may not be erased completely. • Do not connect or disconnect the headphones/earphones to/from i while recording from the radio. The recording condition may change abruptly, or noise may be recorded. • To avoid noise interference, do not place it near a lamp cord or a fluorescent lamp when recording with the microphone. • If a howling effect occurs, turn down the volume. • All other operation cannot be made while recording. For other operation, stop recording first. To prevent a tape from being accidentally recorded over G Break off the tabs from side A and/or B. To reuse the tape for recording, cover the tab hole with adhesive tape. (turn over)

