拉威尔 达夫尼与克洛埃

拉威尔 达夫尼与克洛埃 / Ravel Daphnis et Chloe. 免费车载音乐,CD品质,192kbps MP3播放。



  • 第1乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 介绍:神圣的舞蹈 Daphnis et Chloe Introduction: Sacred dance
  • 第2乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 年轻女孩吸引达夫尼的注意力并用她们的舞蹈环绕住他(一般性的舞蹈) Daphnis et Chloe The young girls attract Daphnis's attention and surround him with their dancing (General dance)
  • 第3乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 怪诞舞蹈 (道肯奇) Daphnis et Chloe Grotesque dance (Dorcon)
  • 第4乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 轻柔曼妙的舞姿(达夫尼) Daphnis et Chloe Light and graceful dance (Daphnis)
  • 第5乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 达夫尼收到所有邀请者的礼物(Lyceion的舞蹈) Daphnis et Chloe All invite Daphnis to receive the prize (Lyceion's dance)
  • 第6乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 听到战争冲突的声音,好战的呼声和哭泣声日已逼近......妇女们跨越这个区域,被海盗追赶……她们陷入疯狂的绝望,达夫尼诅咒众神没有保护好年轻的女孩克洛埃,使他跌倒在石窟入口处并昏迷。 Daphnis et Chloe The clash of arms is heard, warlike cries draw nearer... Women cross the stage, pursued by pirates... Mad with despair, Daphnis curses the Gods who have failed to protect the young girl Chloe, and falls fainting at the entrance to the gro
  • 第7乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 一个奇怪的光芒笼罩乡村……缓慢的,神秘的舞蹈……三个仙女召唤潘神……达夫尼低头祈祷。光线逐渐变得暗淡。 Daphnis et Chloe A strange light envelops the countryside... Slow, mysterious dance... The three Nymphs invoke the god Pan... Daphnis bows down in supplication. The light grows dim.
  • 第8乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 插曲 Daphnis et Chloe Interlude
  • 第9乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 海盗阵营 布赖亚斯要带走被捕的女孩,克洛埃的双手被两名海盗绑着,并祈求的舞蹈着 Daphnis et Chloe Bryaxis The pirate camp calls for the captured girl to be brought forward. Chloe, her hands tied is dragged in by two pirates. Chloe dances beseechingly.
  • 第10乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 破晓 Daphnis et Chloe Daybreak
  • 第11乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 年迈的牧羊人西蒙解释说,如果潘神救出克洛埃,他会留在他曾经心爱的女神希瑞克斯的记忆里。达夫尼与克洛埃的故事是值得深思的。 Daphnis et Chloe The old shepherd Lammon explains that, if Pan has saved Chloe, it is in memory of the nymph Syrinx, once beloved of the god. The story is mimed by Daphnis and Chloe
  • 第12乐章:达夫尼与克洛埃 在祭坛前仙女面前他虔诚的献上了两只母羊……这时,进来一群打扮成祭祀模样的女孩…… 达夫尼与克洛埃拥抱在一起……幸福而喜悦 (一般舞蹈) Daphnis et Chloe Before the altar of the Nymphs he swears eternal fidelity over two ewes... Enter a group of girls dressed as bacchantes... Daphnis and Chloe embrace tenderly... Tumultuous joy (General dance)

